The Girl in the Water

Winner of the 2023 Independent Press Award for Literary Fiction Winner of the 2023 IAN Book of the Year Awards for Outstanding Multicultural Fiction Winner of the 2023 IPPY Awards Bronze Medal for Best Regional Ebook (Fiction) Honorable Mention in the 2024 Eric Hoffer Book Award for E-Book Fiction The Girl in the Water is the story of a multiethnic group of young friends, coming of age in Estonia and Ukraine in the last days of the Soviet Union. Their lives are shaped by an Afghan war, the Chernobyl disaster, and the collapse and legacy of a suffocating society. The novel examines life and choice in the aftermath of trauma and has garnered praise as both a lifelike family drama and a literary statement in the tradition of the Russian classics: “The author includes emotional, compelling sce.......
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Formato Ebook
Editorial Nummist Media
Autor(es) Joseph Howse
Idioma Ingles
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